Jan 12, 2012

SVN support for Sublime Text

Sublime Text is one of the best text editor available at the moment. It is not yet an IDE, I believe, but it is very close to that.

Unfortunately, I did not find any built-in svn support, so I created one using RabbitVCS with which you can update/commit/show log.

1. Open sublime. Then "preferences->browse packages"
2. Unzip these files in that folder
OR Run that command "git clone git://github.com/kervin/sublime-svn.git" in that folder.
3. Install RabbitVCS.

You are done, sublime-svn is installed. Just let me know if there are bugs that must be corrected or any improvements necessary or if you want to make it work on different platforms.


  1. Great job, it's easy to add status command also, Thanks!

  2. It does not work on my Ubuntu 12.04 ...I click on any of the Svn More options and nothing ocurrs

  3. Hi, Do you have rabbitvcs installed?

  4. Easy add support kdesvn
    edit rabbitvcs.py

    change: subprocess.call("rabbitvcs " + command + " " + path, shell=True)
    to: subprocess.call("kdesvn exec " + command + " " + path, shell=True)

  5. Very awesome thank you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks, I really missed SVN from Sublime!

  8. Awesome job, works like a charm. Thanks!

  9. I like Codelobster
    It has great SVN support too.

  10. Works Good..
    appreciate you work........


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